Study Tour ~ Like to join us?

We are currently seeking expressions of interest from Corporates who are intending to run a USA Study Tour for your Business Leaders and Financial Planners in the near future(COVID dependent).

The idea is that instead of every Corporate building their own Study Tour, why not come together and collaborate, share ideas, and leverage our connections, speakers, and scale to have the ‘best of the breed’ study tour for everyone.  You can run your tour together or separately if you want a more intimate gathering for your leaders and your clients.

The theme is “Where human meets innovation”

There is no better place to do this than Stanford University in heart of Silicon Valley, because Stanford is where innovation lives, and it has some of the best psychologists in the world like Dr. Carol Dweck who wrote the Growth Mindset. Bringing these two together in this ever-changing environment provides the best thinking and solutions of tomorrow for our leaders and businesses of today.

Stanford Is Where Innovation Lives

It is where research meets real-world experience, where big ideas turn into actionable frameworks, and executive education is fueled by inspiration. It’s where the energy of Silicon Valley is felt throughout our programs.

Stanford is an immersive ecosystem in which invention, discovery, and the launching of industries have changed the world. Throughout our programs, you’ll be forced out of your comfort zone, learn to adapt to change, and explore how to promote growth and innovation within your organization.

Watch the video to hear Garth Saloner, the John H. Scully Professor of Leadership, Management, and International Business; and Glenn Carroll, the Adams Distinguished Professor of Management, discuss the advantages of attending a program in the heart of Silicon Valley and the life-changing experiences found only at Stanford.

Stanford is Where Research Meets the Real World. Where Perspectives Span Continents.

Every year, global executives arrive at Stanford to advance their approaches to leadership and innovation.

Stanford drives leadership development through a powerful combination of three key elements:

• Distinguished faculty across disciplines who draw on their own research and real-world experiences
• Experiential learning designed to promote the exchange of ideas, engagement, and deeper learning
• Diverse participants who hail from 140+ countries and bring unique and instructive perspectives to every topic

What does Stanford’s unique approach to education look like?

Watch Professor Bill Barnett discuss what makes a leader in this featured video.

Corporate Collaboration
Expressions of Interest?

If you are a Corporate that is interested in collaborating with us and other Corporates to put on one hell of a Study tour, register your interest here.

Email us at:

Financial Planners
Expressions of Interest?

If you are a Financial Planner that is interested in attending one hell of a study tour, register your interest here.

Email us at: