Are you looking for valuable workshops?

Whilst we love working one to one, workshops and group sessions are also a key focus for Inspiration Café,  simply because we can help more people, and you also gain the added benefit of group insights.

Future Ready 2021 and Beyond

In this COVID VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world we are operating in, the only constant is change. As leaders, in this environment, the best strategies we can apply to help our people and business, is Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Adaptability.  The ‘best practice’ of today needs to incorporate the ‘best thinking’ of tomorrow to succeed, and doing that together, is always better than doing it alone.

The Future Ready Workshop is specifically for Financial Planners, who want to conquer the chaos and build successful, sustainable, valuable and meaningful businesses to achieve the best of both worlds, in business and life. We do this by solving meaningful problems together with other like- minded peers.

It includes:

  • 1 Day Business Coaching Workshop to develop your 1 Page Busines Plan / Roadmap
  • 3 Mastermind Peer Groups & Report to the Board (approx. 4 hours) via zoom
  • Business Health Check
  • Business Health Benchmarker
  • Max Number: 10-12 people in group

Life Designing Workshop

What is Life Designing all about? In this world we are operating in, the only constant is change. This change causes disruption and uncertainty and cuts to the very core of our personal values and shakes us up. It impacts our decision making, especially if we, or those around us have lost our jobs or businesses. It can make us feel stressed, anxious and at times depressed.

In any state, what this makes us do is reflect on our lives, and consider what is important, and what we want our future to look like, and what we want our ‘new normal’ to be. And, what we want to keep, and what we want to delete? The Life Designing workshop is for everyone who wants to take control, by creating a life by design not by default.

It includes:

  • 2-3-hour Workshop (face-to-face or zoom)
  • Your Values Scorecard
  • Your Wheel of Life
  • Your SMART Goal Plan
  • Your Key Motivators
  • Max: 10-12 people in group

For more information about Workshops, reach out and connect and we can discuss how we can tailor something for your needs, your audience, and your budget.