Greg Cook

CEO | Financial Adviser | CFP

Eureka Whittaker Macnaught

“Cate and I have worked together for two decades. She has facilitated countless workshops and conferences for us and is one of the drivers in transforming and growing our business.

Cate’s wide experience with other leading practices makes her a great sounding board for testing new processes, value propositions and client pricing. Cate is a great friend of Eureka Whittaker Macnaught”.

Gareth Hall

Financial Planner | CEO | CFP

Lifestyle Financial Services

“I have worked with Cate Americano for several years in her role as Practice Development Manager at our previous AFSL. Cate is a breath of fresh air. Always bright and happy, full of positivity, very professional and sometimes even inspirational!

I would consider Cate to be a trusted advisor. Her breadth of experience provides the ability to harness proven strategies that will deliver sustainable outcomes. It is rare to find someone who has worked with people at so many different levels and businesses of so many different scales, who has the passion and experience to share and implement their knowledge.

No hesitation in recommending Cate. I’m also happy to speak with anyone who wants to have a chat with me about her before making any decisions about working with her”

Rudi Kristiani

CEO | Principal | Financial Planner| CFP

Key Financial Planning

“I have known Cate Americano in a professional capacity for 18 years. Cate thrives on assisting Financial Planners in achieving their business and personal goals. Her passion is unmatched, and she genuinely cares about providing solutions that will make a meaningful difference. She has a generous spirit, and I would recommend her to any business that is looking for personalised and caring support.”

David Kissane

Director | Financial Adviser


“Cate has been central to our business success over the last 5 years. Her greatest contribution is to ensure you have a focused and meaningful Business Plan that is continually updated (every 90 days) for the constantly changing environment we work in.

The planning process involves the whole team and includes meaningful goals, strategies, and an action plan that is prioritised and agreed to by everybody.

As a result of Cate’s involvement in our business, everybody knows what their role is; thereby maximising the opportunity for personal and business success”.

Angela Vincent

Key Account Manager

“I really enjoyed the insight of the Values Coaching, Life & Career Designing exercises with Cate Americano, which was delivered in a profound and unique way.  It greatly assisted me to take a different perspective of who I am and my key motivators so that I can work towards alignment in and outside my career.  Cate gathered these insights and set about constructing a meaningful and achievable plan; with small steps that are easy to integrate into the current life, enabling incremental benefits which I experienced almost immediately. The way I developed through the journey to get to my goals was enlightening and game-changing for me”.

Ashley Montesin

Financial Planner | Principal

Regional Financial Solutions

“Cate has been our development coach for many years. She has become an integral part of our team, sharing her knowledge, experience, and providing an important perspective from outside our business. She has been a steady hand in the everchanging financial planning landscape.  She also helped me achieve my goal of winning the National Rising Star in 2018”.

Bruce Pain

Financial Planner

Regional Financial Solutions

“Our business has benefited enormously from Cate’s input over the last 18 years, we would not be in the position that we are in without Cate’s help. I can testify that her integrity and honesty is second to none”.

Carolina Gonzalez

Innovative & Insights Driven Marketing & Communications Strategist

“I have had the privilege of knowing Cate and witnessing the passion and focus she has put into creating her own business. What resonates with me the most is her genuine desire to help others build the life, career, and business they dream of.

I have been fortunate to be one of the first people to benefit from her Values Coaching, Life Designing and Career Designing process while I was going through a phase of change, personally and career-wise. Cate guided me to reflect and recognise what my values are and what is important to me, which now guides my choices and actions. Cate’s guided sessions, compassionate approach, and smart and practical advice have been wonderful for me and my family”.

Simon Gibbons

State Manager NSW/ACT

Commonwealth Bank | Financial Wisdom & Pathways

“I have had the pleasure of working with Cate Americano at Financial Wisdom for the past 19 years. Cate was a very successful Practice Development Manager within in a small but high performing team, who serviced 156 Financial Planning Practices across NSW and ACT.  Cate played a leading role in the delivery of our business planning initiatives focusing on people, process, financials and attracting new clients.

Cate has a deep knowledge of the Financial Services sector, specifically Financial Advice and Planning.  During her time at Financial Wisdom Cate invested whole heartedly and passionately with our Practices to ensure that they had the support and tools to successfully grow and evolve their businesses.

I am delighted that Cate has made the decision to establish her own business consultancy as this is natural step for her.  I have no doubt that Cate will be not only be able to help guide businesses through these challenging and uncertain times, but also help them to achieve their true potential both personally and professionally.    I wish Cate every success for the future. “

Steven Watts

Club Captain

Lindfield District Cricket Club (LDCC)

“Cate’s Goal Setting process was a good framework to encourage the thought process because it allowed us to break it into smaller components and focus on key elements that contribute to growth and success.

With Cate’s assistance, we were able to turn these elements into something tangible and targetable. We subsequently went on to win our fourth 2S Premiership in 98 years which was the first one since 1994/95.”

Aileen Stewart


Bespoke Operations

“Moving from employee to business owner I found that I was missing the role of a mentor; someone who I could problem-solve with, to engage in strategic planning with, and someone to hold me to account on actions that I had agreed to deliver on and I was so pleased when I was introduced to Cate, she was exactly what myself and my business needed.

Cate and I have now been working together for over 12 months and during this time she has encouraged me to move out of my comfort zone where I find I now have the confidence to pursue new opportunities which have helped to improve my self-esteem and self-worth and for this, I will be forever grateful.

Cate offers practical advice, is solutions-oriented and her vast experience can be applied to any industry, in fact by Cate not having worked in my industry I find it refreshing because her insights are truly delivered with “fresh eyes” and challenge me to see things with fresh insight.

If you are in business and are truly wanting to be the best you can be, you need to connect with Cate to see how she can make a difference for you and your business.”

Clients & Collaborations